Applicable for the Attempt | May 2021 & Onwards |
Faculty Name | CA Sanjay Khemka |
Format | Google Drive / Pendrive |
Study Material | Hard Copy |
For Hard Copy Study Material, provide details (e.g. No. of Books, Hand Written Books, Colorful Books, Xerox Copies, No. of pages et | 1 Summary Module & 1 MCQ Mat |
Total No. of Lectures | 27 Classes |
Total No. of Hrs | Approx 58-60 Hours |
Views Per Lecture (Opening & Closing of Videos) | 1.5/2 Views |
Times Per Lecture (Hour Based Restriction Per Lecture) | 1.5/2 Times |
Video Language | English/Hindi |
Fast Forward Option Provided | No |
Fast Forward – if “Yes” provide details (E.g. 1.0 x, 1.2 x, 1.5x etc) | NA |
Validity (in Months OR provide date) | 3/6/9 MONTHS FROM DATE OF PURCHASE |
Recording | 2017-2018 |
Topics Covered | 100% Coverage from ICAI Mat |
How the Doubt clearing session will be available? | E-Mail / Call / Videoconferencing |
How the amendment will be provided? | Email/ Additional Free Videos |
Video Runs on: Computer/Laptop/Mobile | Desktop & Laptop |
Computer/Laptop/Mobile – System Requirement | Core i3 or higher, RAM 2GB or more is best suitable, Windows 7 onwards / Compatible with Android Devices |
If Test Series Provided, Mention complete details | NA |
If Providing Charts, Mention details. | NA |
Dispatch (Partly OR Complete). If its partly dispatch, mention dispatch schedule | Weekly through Google Drive Link. Classes of current batch will be given to students. Entire course by Feb End. |
Demo Lectures Link (For promotions on You Tube) | |
Book Images Link | NA |
Before Purchase Mandatory Link | Comprehensive Coverage from Inst MAT & in a relatively short time, Specialist for ISCA for 10 years in Eastern India |
CA Final Old Syllabus ISCA by CA Sanjay Khemka [Full Course]

₹4,500.00 – ₹6,420.00