Applicable for the Attempt | Nov 2021 and onwards |
Faculty Name | CA Chiranjeev Jain |
Format | Google Drive/Pendrive |
Study Material | Hard/Soft Copy Book |
For Hard Copy Study Material, provide details (e.g. No. of Books, Hand Written Books, Colorful Books, Xerox Copies, No. of pages etc) | 1. IND AS including Financial Instrument Chapter – English/Hindi – Two volumes of Multicoloured IND AS SAARANSH book – 432 pages and 3 Volumes of question Bank – 960 pages. Materials are updated as per Study Material issued by ICAI which are relevant for Nov 21 and onwards exams chapter 2. Consolidated Financial Statement IND AS 3. Financial Instrument 4. Business Combination 5. Share based payment 6. Income Tax – Ind AS 12 7. Lease – Ind AS 116 8. Revenue from contract with customer – Ind AS 115 |
Total No. Of Lectures | |
Total No. of Hrs | 1. IND AS including Financial Instrument Chapter – English/Hindi – 150 hrs. 2. Consolidated Financial Statement IND AS – 45 hrs. 3. Financial Instrument – 45 hrs. 4. Business Combination -30 hrs. 5. Share based payment – 15 hrs. 6. Income Tax – Ind AS 12 – 12 hrs. 7. Lease – Ind AS 116 – 12 hrs. 8. Revenue from contract with customer – Ind AS 115 – 15 hrs. |
Views Per Lecture (Opening & Closing of Videos | IND AS-1.5 Views Others – 1.2 Views |
Video Language | English/ Hindi(IND AS) |
Fast Forward Option Provided | Yes |
Fast Forward – if “Yes” provide details (E.g. 1.0 x, 1.2 x, 1.5x etc) | 1.6 X |
Validity (in Months OR provide date) | 1 year |
Recording (Month – Year) | Jan-March 2021, March-June 2021- Hindi |
Topics Covered | For IND AS : Excluding Financial Instrument; Consolidated Financial Statement; Business combination and Share Based Payment chapter |
How the Doubt clearing session will be available? | WhatsApp at 7731007722; Telegram Group |
How the amendment will be provided? | Google Link free of cost |
Video Runs on: Computer/Laptop/Mobile | Computer / Laptop |
Computer/Laptop/Mobile – System Requirement | Home Premium Service Pack 1 or above, Windows 7 8, 8.1 10. 2 GB Ram |
If Test Series Provided, Mention complete details | NA |
If Providing Charts, Mention details. | NA |
Dispatch (Partly OR Complete). If its partly dispatch, mention dispatch schedule | 24 Hrs. from order place |
Demo Lectures Link (For promotions on You Tube) | |
Books Images Link | NA |
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CA Final FR Chapterwise by CA Chiranjeev Jain

₹944.00 – ₹8,850.00
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