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CA Final Video Lectures

The third level of the CA (Chartered Accountancy) course conducted by the ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India)
is identified as Final.

It’s considered one of the best career opportunities and has been pursued by the students who find themselves comfortable at numbers.
What are all the all steps to reach the final stage and pass the CA Final successfully and how to maintain tempo and be persistence in the
study and reach your dream goal will be able to know through this article.

As a CA, financial reporting is the most crucial thing that needs to be studied and understood as it’s going to be a daily routine for you.
Being a full-fledged CA, you will be expected to have proper knowledge of all the dealings. There is a myth revolving that states that financial
reporting is all about holding company accounts and mixture. If this paper is kept under scrutiny, lots of topics are easily taken care of with
100% accuracy within a shorter period. That is the secret behind cracking this. Instead of spending a month on Holding Company Acts and not
scoring, you can go through smaller topics in a week and pass with flying colors! There’s Coppergate’s secret funda for you.

The Subject of CA Final Course is mentioned below:

CA Final Exam consisted of 8 papers divided into two Groups i.e. Group 1 and Group 2

Group 1:

Paper 1 Financial Reporting 100 marks
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Management 100 marks
Paper 3 Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics 100 marks
Paper 4 Corporate and Allied Laws 100 marks
·         Section A: Company Laws 70   marks
·         Section B: Allied Laws 30   marks


Group 2:     

Paper 5 Advanced Management Accounting 100 marks
Paper 6 Information System Controls and Audits 100 marks
Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws 100 marks
Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws

·         Section A: Central Excise

100 marks

40 marks

·         Section B: Service Tax & VAT 40 marks
·         Section C: Customs


20 marks


CA Final exam has 2 groups and 8 subjects (papers) in total. Group 1 consists of four papers – paper 1, paper 2, paper 3 and paper 4.

Group 2 consists of four papers – Paper 5, paper 6, paper 7 and paper 8. (CA final Subjects and Papers)

Benefits of CA Final Course:

  1. In-depth knowledge in Zones of finance, tax, accounts, costing and corporate laws.
  2. It can be done simultaneously with graduation
  3. Opportunity to get prepared while seeking after the course.
  4. Recognized as a standout amongst other bookkeeping courses everywhere throughout the world.

Best career opportunity after being a CA (Chartered Accountant):

  1. It gives you the adaptability to go further for advanced education like MBA and so on.
  2. No need to attain the lectures at college and you can control the peace of knowledge.
  3. Articleship is must
  4. Progress towards becoming Duty counselor and experts.
  5. Progression in a profession is simpler for the CA


  1. The candidate must have passed the Intermediate/ PE-II Examination.
  2. The candidate must have obtained CA Final Course registration number from Board of Studies Section of the Concerned
    decentralized office of the Institute after passing the Intermediate/ PE-II Examination.
  3. The Candidate must have completed the practical training as is required for admission or is serving the last twelve months
    of practical training on the first day of the month in which the examination is scheduled to be held.


  1. CA’s can decide to set up their own autonomous practice and build up their customers on legitimacy.
  2. They can apply for employment at a current firm of Chartered Accountants.
  3. They can offer their administrations in the field of Capital market
  4. A qualified Chartered Accountant can join the Government Service, Public Sector or even in the Private Sector.
  5. It isn’t important that a CA needs to work just on calculating and exceed expectations sheets.
  6. A CA utilized with a firm can likewise contribute towards basic leadership and improvement of benefits for the firm.
  7. A tremendous interest for CA’s in the assembling and budgetary administrations segment.
  8. CA is developing as a decent vocation choice for ladies as it enables work to be done at ones claim place and time, and, likewise,
    enables one to control the cash stream.

Areas where Chartered Accountant will play a significant role:

  1. International Taxation:

International tax collection is the examination or assurance of duty on a person or business subject to the assessment laws of various nations.
Chartered Accountants have a vital role in an advisory capacity to help companies to be well prepared to address any questions the revenue
authorities may have in terms of their international business.

  1. Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions:

An organization in one nation can be obtained by an element from different nations. In case of the merger or securing by outside speculators
alluded to as cross-outskirt merger and acquisitions will result in the exchange of control and expert in working for the merged company.

  1. Goods and Service Tax (GST):

            Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a backhanded expense exacted on the supply of products and enterprises. This law has replaced numerous
indirect tax laws that recently existed in India. Chartered Accountants will once again play a very important role by assisting taxpayers through record
keeping and advisory services and revenue authorities through departmental audit and various certifications for tax credits.

  1. Forensic Auditing:

            Examining the jobs and obligations of a forensic auditor, not every single chartered accountant are prepared to direct a measurable review, as it is
a specific field inside accounting, requiring an unmistakable range of abilities. In light of this, CAs needs to take up exceptional preparing with the end goal
to qualify as a legal reviewer. The key point to note here is that crafted by a legal examiner stretches out past the minor ideas of accounting.     

  1. The Companies Act 2013:

      The Companies Act 2013 is an act of the Parliament of India on Indian Company law which regulates incorporation of a company, responsibilities of a
company, directors, and dissolution of a company. The Corporates need dependable and skillful professionals like Chartered Accountants to comply with
stringent provisions.
Students are just like dumb persons sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture of 3 hours and it feels hesitating to clear the doubts in front of the whole class
immediately if you need to. This affects our reasoning & logical powers. When the professor, suddenly stops in between and ask for the answers.

Coppergate come up with the solution of providing you the accurate lectures for CA Final Course online through various medium.

Coppergate had hired capable people, who understood the CA Course well. The duties of teaching and non-teaching staff are well-defined and are conveyed
beforehand. The teachers skipping assessment face disciplinary action towards the students.

Coppergate will guide you for the subject are vast enough to grab the knowledge through different tricks and supply it to you by pendrive, videos, study materials
considered to be as CA Final Video Lectures located nearby you in Mumbai at Mulund.

Syllabus for CA Final Course:

Under the new CA Final Revised Syllabus, ISCA has been removed. Instead, Paper 6 is made as an ‘Elective Paper’. Students can choose
any of the following Optional papers.

  1. Risk Management
  2. International Taxation
  3. Economic Laws
  4. Capital Markets
  5. GFRS
  6. Multi-Disciplinary Case Study

Also, paper 8, an Indirect tax will have GST for 75 marks and customs for 25 marks.

Paper 5 will be now replaced as Strategic Cost Management and Performance Evaluation.

Newly Introduced:

There is one very important subject that is newly being introduced into the CA Final Syllabus. It is ‘Financial Services and Capital markets.
This subject is in Group 2, and will carry 50 Marks.

Capital Markets Syllabus will include topics such as:

  1. Stock Markets
  2. Futures & Options
  3. Commodities
  4. Mutual Funds
  5. Derivatives
  6. Debt Markets
  7. Venture Capital

Another new additional subject to CA Final Syllabus is ‘International Taxation’, which will carry 30 Marks.

This Subject will include topics such as:

  1. Expatriates Taxation
  2. Taxation on Non-Residents
  3. Section 92E


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